Monday, November 19, 2012

Beau is 20 months!

Beau is the sweetest, cuddliest, cutest, bossiest, boldest little guy in the world!!!  He is exactly sure of what he wants at all times, but that doesn't always go along with Mommy's plans.  He lets me know when he disagrees, and we try to figure out how to work through that.  He's just the most confident kid I know!  Apparently, I have slacked off on his monthly updates.  He weighs 29 lbs, and loves to eat.  He NEVER misses a meal.  He's rarely ill, but an ear infection will slightly interrupt his love of eating.  He still eats, mind you, but he's a little more selective.  He wakes each morning demanding milk and pancakes . . . don't let him down on that one!  It's a horrible way to start the day if Beau doesn't get his yummy breakfast.  Lincoln tried to convince him recently that Halloween Pop Tarts were good, but Beau wasn't convinced!  He's a great eater at school, and a great eater at home.  I can't even begin to document all of his "smarts"!  He can count to seven all by himself and to twelve with a little help.  He loves to walk up and down steps while counting.  He can sing the entire ABC song, and only a few letters are mumbled together.  He can identify green, red, blue, yellow and pink.  He has had all of the shapes down for a few months.  Beau is mostly a little repeater right now.  I can't say anything without him repeating it!  His favorite phrases are: Beau do it, Mommy do it, Beau diaper change, Beau wash hands, Beau no bossy pants, Mommy bossy pants, Come here Mommy show you, sit Mommy to read, and that's all I can remember right now.  He dropped his milk cup in the car today and needed me to retrieve it.  I told him I had to wait until we stopped.  He said, "Mommy wait.  Stop light.  Stop sign.  Red."  What a smartie!!!  He hangs on every word that we say repeats everything.  Beau is the best little 20 month old ever . . . at least in my book!   

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