Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ouch and a Fun Afternoon

Lincoln, Beau and I were all so excited that Mommy was picking them up early from school today!  Unfortunately, I was picking them up for a not-quite-so-fun reason . . . flu shots!  We headed to Dr. K's office by school to get our vaccination for the year.  Of course I had remembered to bring along reinforcements in the form of snacks and books.  Is is any surprise which kid chose which?!?!
 These little guys were being so silly while waiting on the nurse!  She opened the door and asked what all of this giggling was about!
 Lincoln went first with no drama.  He climbed in my lap and told the nurse he was ready to get the medicine to make him feel good.  He watched as she cleaned his thigh then winced a little when she stuck him.  All he said was "oh!"  I think he was surprised, but he didn't cry.  I held him for a few minutes to be sure he was over it.  Beau didn't even want to be held!  He cried for about a minute then grabbed his sticker and off we went!
Since we finished our shots early, we headed to the Halloween store to check out the costumes.  Lincoln picked his out right away, and he's totally bouncing off the walls about it!  They didn't have the right size for Beau, but we can order it from their website.  I think there is a super secret rule that you can't post pictures of your kid in their Halloween costume before Halloween, but trust me . . . the pictures will be the best EVER!
After our shopping trip, we decided to go for ice cream.  Actually we had frozen yogurt, and the boys loved it.  There is a place by our house that we almost never go to, but it's super yummy.  Lincoln got chocolate with sprinkles, marshmallows and jelly beans - gross! 
 Beau got vanilla with sprinkles and marshmallows.  He kept trying to say fro-yo! 
 It was a little difficult for Beau to spoon out the fro-yo that was pretty frozen.  He tried the spoon for a bit then decided to go about it another way! 
Fro-yo was so fun!  We should definitely go there more often.  I think they have crazy-big bowls - that's as big as Beau's head!  But it's self serve and you only get charged for what you put in.  I barely line the bottom with yogurt and give half scoops of toppings.  Our bill was just $2!!  I caught the boys in Lincoln's bed this evening being sweet.  Beau handed Lincoln the 5 Little Monkeys book, and Linc happily read it to Beau.  My heart was breaking with joy standing at the door watching them.  Oh, they got into a major pinch-fight later, but that one moment was super sweet!

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