Sunday, September 23, 2012

Low Key Weekend

There wasn't much on the agenda for our weekend . . . except playing and having fun!  We started out at the park on Saturday morning before it warmed up.  Lincoln definitely loves to visit any playground, and he's a slide-master!  Beau was determined to do just as much as Linc, and that meant a lot of work for Mommy!  He belly-climbed up the steps, raced over the bridge, and sat at the top of the slide in a flash.  I won't let Beau slide by himself on the big slides yet, so I did a lot of sliding myself! 

After about an hour, we took a water break in the shade.  We did so much climbing, sliding, running, swinging and laughing, so we needed a break.  What a pair of happy boys!
We went to Mia's for dinner on Saturday night, and we were all excited.  It's a little farther than we usually go, but it's so yummy!  The plan was for Beau to have taquitos (which he loves) and for Linc to have the kids cheese quesadillas meal (which he loves).  Ummm . . . Mia's doesn't have cheese quesadillas on the kids menu.  We had to choose from a taco, an enchilada or a burrito for Linc.  We decided that a burrito is just like a wrap, and Linc loves when I pack a wrap in his lunch.  He excitedly waited on his wrap - until it arrived.  It was gooey and surrounded by rice and beans (which he hates).  Daddy and I did our best to reassure him that his wrap was still plain with a cheeseburger inside.  (OK, maybe there was a little fibbing going on!).  His first bite was a bit intrepid, but he liked it!  The second bite was pretty careless and all of the insides spilled out on the plate.  Soooooo he ate the "cheeseburger" with a spoon and left the wrap.  Whatever!  By the way, we were not in the ghetto even though we were surrounded by bars and cars.  Mia's is super cool and in Uptown, but we backed up to the valet line on the patio.  It turned out to be a yummy dinner for all!
Daddy went to the Cowboys game on Sunday morning with Casey, Eric and Dan.  Lincoln, Beau and I went to church, played on the playground for a bit, met Nana and Pops for brunch, did our grocery shopping at Tom Tom and Central Market, and finally came home for much needed naps.  After lots of playing this afternoon and a yummy rotini dinner, Daddy and Linc went to order some new kitchen appliances.  Home Depot is sooooo fun!
While Daddy and Lincoln were shopping, Beau and I made brownies.  Well, Mommy made brownies and Beau went to his "station" and "cooked".  He came into the kitchen with a fake tomato slice topped with a fake eggplant and sang Happy Birthday To You.  It was the sweetest thing!  He decided that my real food was way better than his fake food and commenced to beg for chocolate chips.  He stood at my feet chanting "choco chips" for ever!  How could I turn this sweet face down?
Our weekend was full of playgrounds, giggles, yummy food, and lots of fun.  I can't imagine a better weekend.  I might have had a few crazy moments of brother hugs gone bad, giant messes in the playroom and 10 loads of laundry, but it was super fun. 

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