Sunday, September 16, 2012

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

With Daddy's birthday approaching, Linc and Beau were getting all excited!  Lincoln was very specific about the cake that Daddy would want - chocolate cake, chocolate icing, chocolate sprinkles, a baseball and chocolate candles.  (I tried to explain that the store didn't have chocolate candles, but he was pretty insistent!  He said that we should just go to another store . . . duh, Mom!)  One of his cute High Five magazines had a craft suggestion of painting with vegetables and fruit, and Linc was dying to try it out.  We painted with a potato, an apple, a broccoli crown, a celery stalk, and a bell pepper.  Linc loved it - shirtless of course! 
 He thought he was so cool with his big kid activity.  We let the paper dry and used it to wrap Daddy's gifts.  It was super hard for Lincoln not to tell Daddy what his presents would be.  He gave up the secrets in just minutes!  Note to self:  shop alone next time!
 On Daddy's bid day, he had two important games to watch!  We had some friends over for a play date, but I'm thinking the play date was actually for the grown ups and there just happened to be a few little kiddos!  The Robisons, Eoffs and Whiteners came to watch the Cowboys game with plenty of Rangers updates in between.  I had fun making Kevin's favorite foods today . . . 7 layer dip, queso, Hebrew National hot dog minis, and taco soup.  (I also made a fruit salad and sugar cookies for the rest of us!)  The table looked packed with food before our guests arrived, but all of the trays were empty by dinner!  Kevin says my 7 layer dip was the best ever, and he approved my leaving off of the 7th layer - olives!  I think Beau ate the most.  Every other minute he was running to the kitchen shouting "Chip!"  or "Cookie!"  Lincoln might have put away several sugar cookies himself.  They were delivered to us by Bubbles, who made his special recipe and cut them to individual cookies and froze them in wax paper.  All I had to do was dip them in sugar and bake!  We all agreed that they were the best cookies ever!  Sadly, I didn't take a single picture of our watch party!
We had our family birthday party after our guests left.  Nana and Pops arrived with gifts and cake!  Daddy,  Lincoln and Beau had to put together a picture puzzle to solve the clue to the first gift.  All of the pictures were of the boys at the State Fair from past years. 
The gift was a trip to the 2012 Texas State Fair - tickets, snacks and rides money was the best gift!  We will be there early on the first day of the fair.  Come on, getting there early on the first day guarantees that we get to enjoy the activities before any other germy kids get there! 
 Lincoln helped Daddy with his cards.  He was so proud to sign his name on the card all by himself, plus he wanted to write more on the envelope.  It was clearly marked for "Dad" and "Kevin".  He has great penmanship already!
 Most of our gifts were pretty silly!  Lincoln spotted a pair of Elmo boxer shorts one day and declared that Daddy had to have them!  Daddy also got a new hair dryer (because I stole his when mine went out last week!) and a Nike golf shirt.  Beau shouted "Nike!" over and over!  Daddy also got a new recliner for his birthday, but he didn't have to wait until Sunday.  I had a few helpers (Scott and Pops) to unload the new one and carry away the old one while Daddy was away for work on Friday and Saturday.
 Beau decided to check out the Elmo boxers after Lincoln helped with the gifts.  I'm thinking that Daddy will never wear these, but both boys loved them!
 The cake that Lincoln described was perfect, and of course Stein's made us the yummiest cake ever!  Beau shouted "cake cake cake" for ever today!  They were so excited to sing "Happy Birthday" to Daddy. 
 Lincoln really loves celebrating and sang with so much glee!  I think they were just really geared up for cake because they quieted down to eat. 
We all had a fun day with friends and family.  I know that Daddy doesn't love to get a year older, but I think he's had a pretty awesome year as a 33 year old.  Surely his 34th year is only going to be better!  He has two awesome kiddos and a fun job (not to mention the bestest wifey ever!), so we are ready for a great year.  

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