Friday, September 21, 2012

Morning at the Dallas Arboretum

I've been wanting to go back to the Dallas Arboretum for a while now . . . to take the boys for fun and especially to see the Chihuly exhibit.  We just couldn't bear it during the summer heat, so we are celebrating the cool down with outdoor fun!  On Friday morning, we grabbed Nana and headed down to the beautiful Arboretum.  The first Chihuly piece we saw was right up front.  Lincoln looked at for a second and decidedly said, "Spaghetti!!!!"  I'm pretty sure that is not what the famous glass artist was going for, but art is all about interpretation, right? 
 We didn't have to walk far to see our next super cool piece.  These blue rods were sticking up from the beds as they were getting their morning mist.  It looked so neat!
 Linc ran up to take a closer look.  Beau stayed in stroller for most of the Chihuly portion of our tour.  He had pretzels and water, so he was cool to just admire from his comfy seat!
 The entrance to the water feature area was stunning!  "More spaghetti!" declared Linc.
 The pieces in the pools were really great.  I love the green and purple!
 These glass balls filling up the boat were fun.  The other boat is wild!
 Linc noticed a big lake next to the pools, and he and Nana went to check it out.  They came back with a serious report.  Lincoln said if were gonna cross that lake, we would definitely need a boat.  (Later in the evening, he was telling me that he would just call Mickey Mouse and borrow his boat.  He and Mickey would be the wheel turners and Beau and I could be strapped in the back of the boat and just have fun.  He assured me that he and Mickey would not get lost!!  Crazy imagination!)
 These lily pads were so fun and really shined bright.  Beau was kind of getting into the hang of things and really liked this one. 
 Linc spotted a few fish swimming under the lily pads.  A penny tossed into the water put the fish in a frenzy.  I guess they thought it was food and all went diving for it . . . sorry!
 "Spaghetti again!!"
 We had pretty much finished the Chihuly stuff, and the guys were ready to check out the more kid-friendly stuff.  Linc looked at the giant book that described the first little house. 
 He loved roaming around the Picasso house.  He kept peek-a-booing us from the door!
 The frog fountains are always a favorite!  I have a few sweet pictures of Linc from his last visit to the Arboretum sneaking around the frogs.  Beau was ready to get out of the stroller at this point, but not ready to follow Linc under the shooting water. 
 Much to everyone's excitement, we found the pumpkins!!  Beau was yelling "munkin-munkin-munkin"!  (Pumpkin sounds exactly like Monkey according to Beau.  Luckily I knew he meant pumpkin today!)
 There was a lot of counting going on.  Beau can count to three, so he kept going over and over . . . un, too, fee!  Linc can count forever, and I'm not sure what he was up to when I made him turn around and come back.

We were so hopeful that we could tour the pumpkin houses and headed that way.  It turns out the houses don't open to the public until Saturday, so we didn't get to check them out up close.  Beau wasn't happy about this situation.  He decided that he could just push his way (head first!) through the barrier!  Sorry buddy! 
 We were able to see the houses from a short distance, and they were really cool! 

I guess we'll just need to make another field trip to explore in the pumpkin area!

Even though touring the pumpkin houses was what Lincoln was most excited about to begin the day, he was surprisingly not at all bothered that we couldn't get in.  He was too busy booty-shakin'!
 The Monet house was definitely Beau's favorite!  He and Lincoln chased each other around forever.  He also loved the art closet.
 Lincoln would "surprise" him through the window often.  They LOVED that game!  They took turns "surprising" each other for quite awhile.
 Beau strolled along the pumpkin-lined walkway singing us many songs.  He seemed like such a big boy once he was done snacking in the stroller.  Of course he wanted to do everything Linc did!
 A brief visit to the garden area brought out the not-so-great in Beau!  At first he was happy to chase Linc around . . . until he decided to trample the beds.  No, no!  I had to drag him out of the forbidden area, but not before I snapped a picture of him beaming at his rule-breaking! 
We all had so much fun at the Arboretum!  The boys were both so good and just had fun.  They got lots of exercise and saw super cool things.  I'm so glad Nana could join us for our fun today.  The Arboretum is not that close to our house, so we don't get there often.  That might change after Friday!  The cooler temps and my new found confidence in driving directions may meant more trips to the super neat Arboretum. 

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