Before anyone starts to think I'm crazy, let me be clear . . . I'm not trying to potty train a 22 month old while I'm 9 months pregnant! These pictures seem to contradict that statement pretty clearly, though.
Here's the story: On Monday of this week, Lincoln began to transition to his new class at school. It seems like I was just posting about him leaving the baby room for the toddler room, but it's been almost a year! We LOVE Ms. Jennifer and will really miss her, but hopefully she'll still come babysit for us occasionally. Linc did great in the toddler room learning to nap on a cot, sit at a big table, eat unassisted with utensils, and so many other "big" things. Anyway, since he's mastered all of the skills and is so smart, he's moving up to the 2 year old room a little early. I could brag forever about all of his intellectual prowess, but I'll just give you the quick hits: he can sing most of the abc song, count to 10 (usually) and carries on detailed conversations. He's ready to move up!! He spends a little time each day in the new room this week and next week will transition all the way. The 2-3 room is where the potty magic happens, but I've been assured it's on an individual time frame and we're not to feel pressured at this time. Of course, Kevin declared that we needed a potty ASAP! I told him that Linc wasn't ready for full-on potty lessons, but that we happened to have an awesome baseball potty in the closet. Linc was so excited when he saw it. He repeated, "Sit on the potty-diaper off" at least a million times until I gave in. So now each evening he sits on the potty while I get his bath ready, and guess what . . . he's teeteed two times! He yells and claps and is so proud of himself. I'm definitely not taking this as a sign that we're going to the potty fulltime, but if it makes him happy and gets everyone used to the idea, I'm ok with that. (Side note: Kevin was very excited that you just dump the "waste" in the toilet until he figured out that you also have to clean out the little potty each time! Everyone buy some stock in latex gloves and Clorox wipes. You'll soon be rich!)
Baby Beau is doing well, though I'm definitely ready to not be pregnant. This one has taken forever! I had a few contractions on Monday, a lot of weird twitches (Restless Leg/Whole Body) on Tuesday, and some pressure today. I think all of this is totally normal, and my discomfort will continue to increase. I've been easing my pain with a four layer chocolate cake this week, and it's been very helpful. Whatever it takes, right?
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