Saturday, July 31, 2010

Fun with Sesame Street

Because I'm such a cool Mom (right!), Lincoln got a balloon from the grocery store yesterday. Not for any special reason . . . just because! Boy was he excited! He always talks about the balloons when we're there, and this time they had cool Sesame Street balloons ready to take home. He's been playing with like crazy, so I definitely think it was $3.00 well spent! The putter and a wooden spoon are his weapons of choice to bang the balloon, but sometimes he gives it a hug. He points to Elmo (Meh-mo), Big Bird (Bee Bird), and Cookie Monster (Yum Yum Yum). If you don't read the book "Cookie Monster Likes to Share" you wouldn't know that's what Cookie Monster says. Lincoln has decided his name is Yum Yum Yum. Whatever!
Our Sesame Street mania didn't end there on Friday. We also bought a cool new pair of shoes with guess who on them . . . Elmo!!!! Who knew Elmo had his own line of flip flops?
To be honest, these don't seem like the highest quality product and they'll probably fall apart soon. If you see any, Lincoln will take them in a size 5 or 6. Thanks!

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