Saturday, July 3, 2010

Ear Troubles

Our long weekend started out with a bit of drama . . . here's the long story! For the first time since he was just a few months old, Lincoln woke up screaming in the middle of the night (Thursday night). Since this is so rare, he'd just received two vaccines, and he was screaming like crazy, we ran to check on him. He had a tiny fever 99 degrees, but nothing else I could determine. I calmed him down and put him back to bed, but he was up an hour later screaming! It was a long night for everyone here!!! Friday was filled with playing, snacking, giggling, coloring and every other normal thing Lincoln does. I guessed it was just a fluke that he didn't sleep, and Friday night he returned to his normal sleep schedule. This morning we went to swim lessons, had a yummy Mexican lunch (beans, rice and guacamole for Linc!), and took a nice nap. I noticed drainage from his ear immediately when he woke up, and we rushed to the pediatrician. Right ear: Infection. Left ear: Ruptured Drum! I can't believe I missed the ear infection and it got so serious. One tiny fever and sleepless night . . . no ear tugging, fussiness, or high fever. You'd think he'd be cranky, but he was running through the aisles at the store while we waited on the prescription! He made friends with an elderly lady and snagged a new box of crayons for being so brave. Later in the afternoon, I caught the little rascal stealing a granola bar out of the diaper bag. He enjoyed his stolen snack!
Apparently ear troubles don't hold Linc down . . . gotta keep playing!

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