Sunday, June 6, 2010

Little Fish

Somebody around here is a little fish! I took Linc swimming for the first time on Saturday, and he loved it! We are lucky to have access to a very private park & pool, and we are going to take full advantage this summer. We got all suited up, swim diapered, and lathered in sunscreen and headed out. (Note: I just heard that you shouldn't put on the swim diaper until you get to the pool because it doesn't hold pee. I'm glad we didn't learn that the hard way! I'll remember for next time.)
At first Lincoln thought it was funny that I was splashing around in the baby pool and was content to watch. I slowly introduced him to the water, and he got used to it faster than I had expected. We splashed, played ball, chased the boat, and laughed a lot.
Of course, we had to take a snack break under the canopy after a while. This new Honey Graham cereal I got is a sure winner! I can't get him to stop eating it!
Back to swimming . . .
It was funny to watch Lincoln walk in the water. He took REALLY big steps! There were a few falls which meant a few face-first dives into the water. Linc kept trying to wipe the water off his face with his wet hands, but it didn't work so well! I'm so glad he enjoyed the pool, that we got to try it out without a crowd, and that the pool is only one mile away! I did learn a very important lesson during our first swim - a full coverage swim top for Mommy is a must. I'm pretty modest and don't have a skimpy top, but I immediately went to purchase a tankini. A few times Lincoln felt apprehensive and grabbed my suit, and I'm definitely sure more is better where that's concerned!

Next weekend we start Waterbabies swim class at the Swim School. (It's indoors, so I won't have to worry about sunscreen and the heat! It was 100 degrees on Saturday!) One year ago I couldn't have imagined that I would have a toddler taking swimming lessons. I'm so proud that he's being open to this new experience, and I can't wait to watch him learn to swim. I know, I know, the only goal of our summer session is for him to hold his breath under water, but it's a huge step! Kevin thinks we may have the next Michael Phelps! Watch out, Olympics 2026!

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