Monday, June 1, 2009

Splish-Splash, I was taking a bath!

When we first brought Lincoln home from the hospital, bathtime was NOT pleasant. Given the fact that two inexperienced bath givers were fumbling around, Lincoln didn't seem to enjoy the whole process. He screamed, kicked and shook uncontrollably (yes, it was warm enough in the room) because he hated it so much. See below for proof:

These days, however, we love bathtime! First, the screaming slowly turned to regular cries. Next, there wasn't any crying until the shampoo started. Finally, there are no cries at all, and I even got a few smiles and coos last night at the end. Sometimes Lincoln looks at us like we're crazy and still don't know what we're doing, but he always humors me and lets me finish. Kevin says our "bathtub" is too small, but I'm hanging on to it for a bit longer. Kevin is in charge of holding Lincoln while I scrub him down, and we each think our job is pretty tough. We traded one night last week, but were glad to reprise our roles. He's pretty slippery and squiggly, and I love every second of it. Here he is enjoying the bath (and wondering why I'm taking a picture when I'm supposed to be washing him):


Megan said...

very tasteful "naked baby" pictures. haha he is just sooo cute!!! I can see how yours and kevin's faces combined to make one!

Cant wait to visit!

EilandFamily said...

Wow! I thought my little man was a cute baby. He is real good looking!!! I am so happy for your two and glad to see Kevin enjoying those moments too. Paul really enjoys being a father.