Sunday, June 21, 2009

Lincoln has been doing lots of talking, laughing and smiling these days. He is so animated and seems to have lots of fun. We really enjoy all of his faces and noises. I hope you all smile after watching this video. I swear my cheeks hurt from smiling at him all day while he grins and coos and gurgles.

Happy Father's Day! We enjoyed Kevin's first Father's Day with brunch at the Four Seasons. They never disappoint. I'm sorry to say I had 5 desserts!!! (Luckily they were all very small.) We wish Grumps and Pops a very happy Father's Day from us and Lincoln. He is lucky to have so many great Dads in his life and so are Kevin and I.

1 comment:

Watson's said...

Lincoln is getting so big! They grow so fast! I'll have a big one-year-old in less than a month! He'll have to show Lincoln all his cool tricks, like saying "moo" for every animal, not just the cow! Ha! I love your blog and seeing Lincoln's accomplishments!
Love, Liz