Wednesday, February 4, 2009

7 weeks to go . . .

Hey there, blog fans! I'm happy to report that we've reached 33 weeks and still no problems. Lincoln is growing right along schedule: he's about 4 lbs! His brain is working hard to develop and be ready to learn all our world has to offer, and the rest of his body is pretty much ready. There's still plenty of fattening up ahead . . . unfortunately for Mom! We're still walking each day, though I've had to change my route a bit recently. My bladder takes a pretty hard pounding between his acrobatics and the bouncing, so to prevent an emergency situation I don't go too far in any one direction. However, I can go on a 3 mile walk without getting farther than about a half mile from the house. (One particular episode initiated this rule, but I'm happy to say I made it home! I learned my lesson quickly!) He's getting ready to do some major partying, as we've got several baby showers coming up. I know he's excited like his mom. We're going to see lots of friends that we don't get to hang out with on a regular basis and spend time with relatives who love us. What a lucky little man that so many people already care for him! I'm sure he'll participate in the showers by kicking, punching and tumbling around in there. I bet lots of guests will get to feel a kick or two.

I don't want to say much about the nursery yet . . . I'm not taking a chance on jinxing anything. Hopefully I'll have news to report in the next week. Kevin's main job these days is to keep me calm and stress-free, but everyone who knows Kevin will see the challenge there. He's not exactly calm and stress-free himself. We've both got lots going on at work and the additional stress of buying and selling a house is definitely apparent. Oh, and one of us is growing a human on the side! I'm encouraging Kevin to have "play time" with Lincoln each night. Here's how it goes: Lincoln is in full swing in my belly, so I call Kevin over. Of course, Lincoln gets stage fright and settles down for a few minutes. If Kevin has enough patience and can wait, Lincoln gets back to his business of active baby stuff. He talks to him and rubs my belly to be near. I know it is good for them. This weeks picture was just taken after work today. I know what you're thinking: Whoa! There must be a big little boy in there! I think so too.

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