Wednesday, February 11, 2009

34 down, 6 to go!

We've made it to 34 weeks! I am not quite ready for little Lincoln to join us yet, but it's nice to know that he's made it to the "safe" mark. I'm told that if he needed to come now, we'd be ok. However, I poke on my belly and instruct him to stay comfy all the time. My appointment went well today . . . blood pressure on target, baby's heartbeat strong, and no weight gain for Mom this time (shocking!). I love uneventful doctor visits. Lincoln still amazes us with his tricks in there. Kevin spends time talking to him each day and feeling his movements. I'm really going to miss being with him all the time. Even when the kicks and shoves are uncomfortable, they are a reminder of the baby I am so lucky to have on the way.

As you may notice in the photo, we've got boxes piled all over the house because we're moving!!!! (You may also notice Eddie in mid-leap playing in the boxes. It is cat heaven around here.) Our dining room has become the staging area for new furniture, Lincoln's stuff, boxes, and all things move-related. Don't think the other rooms have escaped the clutter, as I never want anyone to feel left out! I'm trying to keep it at a minimum to keep my sanity in tact. We closed on the new house on Monday and work begins this Saturday. The electrician is first with just minor work, followed closely by the crew we've hired for painting and a few construction projects (nothing like busting out a wall or two!), sandwiched by a bathroom remodel and new hardwood floors throughout. Wow! I've done my best to pre-decide as much as possible . . . paint colors, tile sizes, floor shade and the like, but I know there are a million little things as we go. If everyone can stick to the plan, we hope to move in at the beginning of March. Fingers crossed! We had a lovely visit to Home Depot this evening and spent a boatload on essentials like new light switches and outlets, ceiling fans, sconces, door knobs, cabinet pulls, and you get where I'm going here. (Good thing we get miles on that card!) We're so excited to have a new home for our family and are actually enjoying making it perfect. Keep us in your prayers while we have so many things going on. Until next week . . .

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