Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A Little Bit About Lincoln

Lincoln is definitely the person that I want to be . . . he's the happiest, funniest, smartest, sweetest, most joyful person in the world!!!!  He looks at the world with the most positive attitude, and he always finds the fun in every situation.  I sneaked into his classroom about an hour early and got to watch him in his element without him noticing.  It was such a wonderful experience to see how he interacts with his friends, the love he shares with his teachers, how much they love him, and how comfortable and successful he is in Pre-K.  He and Ms. Dorletha have an amazing bond, and I love that she's a second mother to him.  We are so blessed to have our school's Teacher of the Year loving on Lincoln each day.  He finally saw me during sand art time, and his smile is too precious!!! 
We picked up Beau and headed home to spend some time outside.  The boys got ready for our stroller run, and Lincoln decided we should bring the compass that Bubbles gave him.  He was ready to direct me in case we got lost, and he held up the compass each time we turned on a different street to confirm which direction we were going.  Front seat driver?!?!
After a dinner of grilled chicken quesadillas and steamed broccoli, it was definitely the right weather to play outside again.  This sweetie had to give a spontaneous hug to his Mommy and smile sweetly for a picture.  He ran back to Beau to continue their digging project quickly, but that little moment was the sweetest! 
At all times Lincoln is ready with a smile and kind word, and he looks after us all with so much love.  He helps Beau get ready for school in the morning, he loves to prepare breakfast (waffles in the toaster) for them, he always helps his little brother with puzzles or legos, he never forgets to pray and thank God for sending Jesus, he tells me that I'm so beautiful so many times each day, he loves to make a happy plate of "nutritious and delicious" foods, he takes brushing his teeth very seriously, he is a friend to everyone in his class, he loves to be the best at vocabulary words and handwriting at school, he gives the best squeeze hugs, and his caring heart is completely amazing.  If only we could all be like Lincoln . . . only seeing the joy and happiness of each moment. 

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