Tuesday, June 3, 2014

School Fun and Swimming Lesson Fun

Lincoln's school had Field Day on Monday, and he had so much fun!!!!  They had tons of games and races, and he was so proud to show off his gold medal.  Love summer fun days!
The boys had a super fun time at swimming lessons.  It was the last lesson of the spring session, and we had to say good-bye to our most favorite swim teacher ever, Ms. Kerin.  There were lots of hugs, lots of kisses, lots of flowers, and a good amount of tears (from Ms. Kerin and Mommy!).  We are excited about the new teachers that she selected for us, but we will miss her.   
Beau's sand art project won 1st place, and he was happy to pose by his creation.  They have been studying bugs lately, so he chose a green (his favorite color!) background, orange sand, and two bees, a lightning bug, and a butterfly, and he drew a few rays of a rainbow for the bugs to fly on.  Such a masterpiece!!!! 
The beginning of the week has been fun, and we have lots more planned.  Never a dull moment here!

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