Sunday, June 22, 2014

Rainy then Sunny (but always fun) Sunday

We started Sunday morning at church.  Lincoln hasn't been to big church in a while, since he's loving Sunday School so much.  It was fun for us all to be in the congregation together.  The boys went down to Children's Time, and Beau caused a few laughs . . . he "robot-ed" to the steps of the altar then "robot-ed" back to the nearest pew to watch from the sides.  Weird!  Lincoln was feeling some serious spiritual connection and praising the Lord during the last song!  Church is fun! 
The weather was definitely strange for a Sunday morning in June - kind of cool with lots of rain.  It rained at our house from about 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.  Never a heavy rain, but rain none the less.  So glad for the rain, but it did dampen our plans a bit.    
So we went to church in the rain, we shopped at Tom Tom in the rain, we hit up Central Market in the rain . . . all before lunch!  It was time to get dry at home for a while.  We ate lunch and made patriotic-themed cupcakes.  The boys LOVE making cupcake, icing cupcakes, decorating cupcakes, and eating cupcakes.  (They only don't like the 19 minutes it takes for the cupcakes to bake in the oven!)   Our cupcakes were super cute and delicious!  We played with Legos and watched the new Lego movie while it rained in the afternoon. 
The sky cleared up, and we needed to get out of the house.  We met Nana and Pops at the club for some golf and tennis.  (The pool was closed from all of the rain earlier.)  Lincoln and Pops looked so official with their golf bags!  They went to the driving range for a while. 
Beau did a little more tennis practice then needed to try his hand at the driving range too.  He was very intense about putting the ball on the tee and tapping it off onto the grass.  Serious golfing! 
Lincoln had a nice little golf practice but was ready to move on to tennis.  He was trying his best to return the serve.  He told Nana that after he goes to tennis lessons he will be better because after he went to swimming lessons he got better at that.  Smart logic!!!  Love this action shot!! 
Another check on Beau in the golfing area . . . he's raking the sand trap!  He has decided that he would like to rake the sand trap as a profession.  I'm not sure if that is better than being a "trash truck", which is what he most recently decided would be his profession.  Are we hanging out at the wrong places?  Should I be sneaking him into a really important Fortune 500 company board meeting or something?  I guess whatever makes him happy, right? 
While all of the fun tennis and golfing (and sand raking) was going on, Mommy was sneaking glances at the USA-Portugal World Cup game.  Not a bad view from the patio!  The clouds had finally moved on and the sun was shining for the last hour before we went in for dinner. 
We all had dinner together and enjoyed watching the rest of the soccer game . . . until Portugal scored to tie in the overtime/injury/extra minutes.  Whatever that extra time thing is, well it sucks!  A busy rainy day was actually a fun day.  We covered up with our fun umbrellas on our errands, and then splashed in the puddles and had fun when the sun came out.  Back to reality though - the laundry has been washed and put away, the dishes have been washed and put away, the floors have been swept and vacuumed, the school bags have been packed, and the lunches are ready.  Monday, here we come!

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