Saturday, January 4, 2014

Rocket Ship Fun

The cardboard box has undergone some serious renovations!  Lincoln decided it need to transform into a rocket ship this evening.  We added a control panel with steering wheels, a speaker phone, a number panel, a nose on the front, and American flags of course!  The sides of the box are a little more aeronautical with a little trim, and the back has exhaust pipes!  Lincoln grabbed his camera to take pictures in space, too. 
They had so much blasting off into space! There were several countdowns, for sure. We needed to visit the moon, the sun, and Mars to see Martian Mickey.  I know for sure that the steering wheels are their favorites part . . . a plastic plate hot glued on a wooden screw make the perfect turning wheel.  They wanted the steering wheels personalized with their names and emergency buttons drawn on.  After a few hours of pretending in our rocket ship, they had it filled up with more cameras, flashlights, blankets, Mike and Sully, blocks and a globe.  They are definitely prepared for space travel! 
Lincoln watched me make the flag in amazement . . . "You are the most bestest Mom that I have ever seen make a Grand Ole Flag, Mommy!"  I will take praise like that any day and playing in our rocket ship has been super fun.  It was torture to leave the rocket ship to take a bath and get ready for bed, but tomorrow promises to be another day filled with space adventures.  I heard a rumor that they can eat snacks in the rocket ship, so that will be fun (and crumby)! 

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