Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Back to Life, Back to Reality

It's been a little bit of an adjustment getting back into the school/work routine so far this week.  We all had so much fun at home for over two weeks, but it was time to get back to normal.  The boys were actually happy to hug their teachers and friends at school on Monday morning.  Lincoln's friends were super happy to have him back!  They haven't won the contest against the girls since he's been out, and they needed his super smart little brain.  The boys have been attacking Daddy at drop off to find out new words and what Lincoln will say.  (The contest is this:  each morning the boys versus girls share a new word beginning with the letter they are studying.  Each child has to come with a new word and learn the ones the other children say, and this game is an amazing vocabulary booster.  The boys almost always win with Lincoln there because he thinks of tons of words, but the girls were beating the boys in Linc's absence.)  Luckily, the boys are back to winning this week with a super proud Lincoln!  The letter is 'B' this week, and Linc used Beau, boat, boots, and burp so far.  Beau has decided to play this game too, even though the kiddos in his class are too young to play.  He chose the letter 'L' as his letter this week, and the words he has come up with so far are Lincoln and ladybug.  Two smart little guys love their word games!  Beau took a break from his vocabulary studies to do a little sawing on the rocket ship.  It's still a popular vehicle in our house, but apparently it needed a little work.  The best part is the tongue sticking out on the side . . . concentrating really hard!
Sometimes a super smart kid needs to be super silly, and Lincoln is super great at that!  He was making silly faces and giggling like crazy when he saw the pictures.  He is one joyful child! 
We made a wonderfully healthy dinner of baked pork tenderloin, steamed broccoli, and apple slices . . . so we didn't feel guilty about making and devouring M&M Brownies!!!  These were a big hit, and Lincoln even told me I was the best mom he had ever seen after I let him have an extra one.  Not much beats a close look into sweet Beau's face.  I'm pretending that that sweet look is ever-present, but I secretly know there is a stinker waiting to come out! 
I was going to take their picture in the tub, so I went to grab my phone.  There was a little difficulty in trying to sit down, and a little fall happened . . . and that was the funniest thing Lincoln and Beau had seen in ages!!!!  They laughed like crazy and mimicked me for so long.  Glad I can provide so much entertainment!   
After getting all cleaned, the boys suited up in their new Batman pjs!  They are surely fighting crime in their sleep and keeping all of the friends and books in their beds really safe.   
We are doing a good job at getting back to healthy dinners, early bedtimes, school fun and even getting up on time.  Nothing is ever dull with these guys! 
PS-I totally used the lyrics from an En Vogue song from the 90s as the title of this post.  At least that's what I'm singing in my head.  I heard that Soul II Soul also had a song of the same name, and I'm remembering that one now too. 

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