Friday, January 24, 2014

Fun Friday!!!

After a busy week, it is finally Home Day Friday!  We love to have Fridays at home to just play and hang out.  We slept in, watched a little Mickey, played picnic, got out to buy a birthday gift for Will, had a yummy lunch, and played store.  When it was finally time for a rest, we layed out the sleeping bags and watched Monsters University.  Two sweet little boys stayed quiet and still . . . how often does that happen?!?!  
A trip to Hobby Lobby was next because we needed supplies for our Sunday School craft.  We're making scrolls, and there was lots of explaining to do about what a scroll is.  They actually think that scrolls are kind of neat . . . until someone gets stabbed in the eye by a wooden dowel.  We will handle our scroll with care!  Next up was our last swimming lesson of the semester, and the boys have learned so much.  They happily collected their awards after class.  Lincoln was super excited to show his blue ribbon and new water bottle! 
Beau was loving his ribbon and bottle as well, but he was a little too excited to hold them still - or look at Mommy!  We can't wait to drink from our new water bottles.  Really?  That's all it takes to make a kids day . . . a ribbon and a water bottle?  No more expensive toys around here!!!! 
For some reason that I'm sure I can't explain, we stopped for Slurpees on the way home from dinner.  They convinced me that they did super great at swimming and ate a delicious and nutritious dinner (pineapples, chicken quesadillas, and rice), so we HAD to get Slurpees.  Sure enough, we stopped for Slurpees even though it's in the 30s here . . . it's warm in the car though!  Apparently we hadn't had enough fun during our Friday home day, so super hero costumes were necessary!  Lincoln was so proud wear his (from Halloween 2012) Batman costume!  Amazingly, it still fits! 
Beau couldn't wait to put on his costume (also from Halloween 2012 that was crazy too big then), but he wasn't too keen on still being called Robber Man or Robin.  He told us he is his own super hero!  No matter his super hero name, he sure is cute! 
Super heroes have so much work to do, chasing bad guy and all.  They turned the basketball goal into a super vehicle to go super fast to catch the bad guys!  Batman drove, and Robberman, Robin, generic super hero provided back seat driver commentary!
I think they were satisfied that they captured all of the imaginary bad guys, so they joined Mommy in her nightly workout.  There are no two people who do push ups better than Lincoln and Beau!  Mommy can't even do her own sets of push ups because she's laughing to hard at the boys.  What funny workout buddies!!!
Fun Friday for sure!  We have a busy and fun weekend planned, so let's all get some rest.  Just to be clear, rest was not on Linc's mind.  He just couldn't fall asleep and needed to help me work on our on our Sunday School craft (we were making scrolls) from 10:00 to 11:00.  We are all ready for a busy and fun Saturday! 

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