Thursday, November 28, 2013

Pre-Thanksgiving Friend Party-So Much Fun!!!

Our Thanksgiving festivities began on Wednesday evening with a fun friend party!  So many friends were planning to be back in town for the holiday, and we found a free night to get everyone together.  A simple message from Jamie to a few people turned into a full blown party with many guests really quickly!  We were happy to host the party, and the boys were super excited!  They waited anxiously for the guests to arrive and served as door greeters.  The kiddos got settled in with pizza and fruit while a Charlie Brown movie marathon was on tv.  The grown ups got to have dinner together without much interruption . . . except for constant requests for more pizza from the kids!  Thanks to everyone for bringing the yummy side dishes and drinks.
Sweet Jackson was a ham for the camera!  He got to try pizza like the big kids, and he loved it!!!  Who doesn't love Carmines?!?! 
Samantha's desserts were a hit, and my boys loved the cookies, brownies and fudge.  I've been asked to learn to make fudge now . . . recipe please!!!   
While the grown ups continued reminiscing, the kids made super decorated pilgrim hats.  They had so much fun with the glue and decorations, and every one's hat turned out great.  Everyone was happy to pose for a group picture . . . except Lincoln.  He got a little shy and tried to run off, but Mommy said he had to be in the picture.  So he defiantly turned away from the camera . . . then he punched Beau and that ended in a fit of tears.  Well, everyone else was happy!!!  And they loved their hats! 
A few moments later, Linc donned his Green Lantern mask and got back to his sweet and huggy self.  Beau showered Graham with a few hugs too! 
So the party was made of the Kuhlmans (of course), Samantha and Eric Robison, Paige and Jon Erickson, Hayley and Casey Eoff, Shannon and Jason Hogg, and a surprise appearance by Rachel and Matt Goodman!  Those guys have been friends for soooooo long, and it is great to get their families together.  All credit for this party goes to Jamie Evans Rumph, who suggested a little dinner while in town from Colorado.  We were so happy to have her and her family with us.  This is the best group of wives ever!  We really love and enjoy each other in all of our different states of life.  Yes, we are in different places of kids ages and waiting to have kids . . . but we really get along and love the guys in the group.   
A comparison picture seemed necessary, so Kevin brought out a picture from high school.  How different yet similar do they all look?  If they only knew that they would still be partying together, but with almost a dozen kids between them all in 2013?!?!  

As the evening went on and it got late, the boys turned to their Halloween costumes to entertain the remaining kids.  Super fun Scare School was in session, and Mike and Sully led the roaring.  Sweet Emmy wanted a costume too, but couldn't agree with a super hero.  So sorry that we don't have any girly princess things here!
It was such a great party, full of happy friends that loved to catch up with each other and sweet kids that treated each other kindly.  I'm thankful that these parents have raised such great kids to use their manners and play nicely.  It's not often that so many people are available at the same time, so it was a special night.  I hope we can continue to celebrate the friendship of these guys and Jamie for many years to come!  Thanks again to Jamie for the spark - it was a wonderful evening!

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