Thursday, November 14, 2013

Lots of Fun this Week!

Monday was such a nice day, and the weather forecast said it would change to cold on Tuesday.  We had a picnic lunch out front because the boys wanted to watch the cars go by as they ate their turkey and cheese pita sandwiches with pretzels and apple slices.  Ummm . . . I guess they didn't realize that we live on the quietest street ever with no traffic.  I think we saw three cars in 30 minutes!  We waved really hard at those three cars though!  They entertained themselves with their robot voices and were shocked that Mommy can be a Robot Mommy too.  Tons of fun!
The weatherman was not wrong about the cold forecast, and we've been staying inside a lot!  Lincoln's class had an early Thanksgiving party at lunch on Tuesday.  I was so happy to join him, and we had a boys vs. girls word war (beginning with the letter S).  The boys won and then practiced good sportsmanship by shaking the girls hands at the end.  It was a fun lunch.  Lincoln is still healing from a minor/major head scrape from last week.  The most fun part of any wound is the Band Aid, and he really analyzes which Band Aid is right for the day. 
Tuesday was Mommy and Daddy's 8th Anniversary, and the boys were really excited about that.  We all talked about getting married, weddings, and celebrations a lot.  We had a yummy cake, and the boys sang "Happy Anniversary to You!"  Daddy actually had to miss the dinner and cake because he was entertaining clients in town from England, but he brought a sweet card and flowers home.   
Bath time is always fun, but sometimes Lincoln and Beau really get the giggles.  The decided the wear their washcloths on their heads after getting a shampoo, and they just couldn't stop laughing!  We love to end the night with such happiness! 
It has been a short but busy week.  Friday is a home day, and we have lots of things planned.  A little Christmas shopping, lunch at home, milk shakes (Linc's class is making shakes on Friday because they start with the letter S, and we have to get shakes of our own), swimming lessons, dinner with our Friday night group, and haircuts.  No, not haircuts for the boys . . . Mommy is getting a major haircut.  After a year of growing it out, Mommy is donating 11 inches of hair to Locks of Love for children's wigs.  Plenty of pics are sure to come!

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