Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Easter Egg Fun

This Mommy is so excited that Lincoln and Beau love to dye eggs!  As a child, I loved everything about Easter eggs . . . to dye them, to hide them, to hunt them, etc.  The boys share my passion, and we have had a few fun times lately with eggs.  They wait (im)patiently for the eggs to boil, and even more (im) patiently for the dye to dissolve in the cups.  Finally it's time to get busy!  We had two different dye kits, and they picked the train kit first.  We dyed the eggs bright colors and put together seriously complicated cardboard train cars, and they loved selecting which cars the eggs would go in then rearranged the eggs a million times.  There was also a lot of "choo choo-ing" going on!  
The second event was more hands-on, and they really got into the spirit.  I put the dye cups in baking pans and let them do it (almost) on their own.  In case of the inevitable spilled cups, the pans would greatly lessen the mess!  They cared for their eggs really gently and were so proud to be more involved.  Once the eggs dried, the Mickey Mouse stickers came out.  They both had fun selecting the stickers and decorating their eggs.   
Stickers are serious business, and they wanted to make sure they picked the right ones.  Their decorated eggs turned out super cute, and they were really proud! 
I am no fool . . . we don't EVER hide the real eggs.  The last thing I want is a lost egg in the house somewhere.  Smelly!!!  The decorated eggs are temporary, and the real fun is the plastic eggs.  The boys got new Easter baskets, so they are ready to hide and hunt for the fun eggs.  Now all I have to do is convince Daddy to get the Easter box down from the attic so the fun can begin!

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