Thursday, June 7, 2012

Getting Better and Playing Pretend

Beau's illness (PeriOrbital Sinusitis) isn't slowing him down at all!  His little eyes are soooo much better.  He has almost no more redness or swelling.  Occasionally he has a little goop, but the medicine really seems to be clearing this up!  The boys had their bi-weekly Nana/Pops day today, and everyone had lots of fun with lots of pretend play.  I heard they made a fort (or two or three), played doctor on all of the animals, played cooking with all of the food, worked tons of puzzles, and read lots of books.  We continued our pretend play this evening.  Beau loves to empty out the bake ware drawer in the kitchen, and tonight Lincoln decided to take advantage of the items strewn all over the kitchen.  Those two ran off the the playroom with their stolen goods with squeals of delight.  Mostly there was a lot of banging on the table . . . everyone loves to be loud! 
 This is so fun!!!  If you bang hard enough, stuff on the table crashes to the floor.  (Oh, and the security alarm goes off too!  Either we have a sensitive noise setting, or we were being extremely loud!)
 That crazy loud alarm doesn't stop them . . . more fun!!!
At one point in our pretend play, Lincoln decided we were making hot chocolate in the heart cupcake molds.  We had to carry it around very carefully so it wouldn't spill.  We had to watch it get hot and cook.  We were finally able to slurp it.  Beau was totally into the pretend play.  Even though he couldn't understand what we were saying, he really got excited to participate.  He really does mimic everything Lincoln does, and Linc doesn't even know he is looked up to so much.  It's fun to be brothers!

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