Friday, June 15, 2012

Beau is 15 Months Old

Beau is a whopping 15 months old, and what a super little guy he is!  This month he suffered from PeriOrbital Sinusitis, which was really yucky in his poor eyes.  He didn't let it slow him down one bit!  Beau is a quick learner and can pick up on most anything.  He really watches everything that Lincoln does and tries to mimic him.  (That's not always a good thing!!!)  Here are Beau's stats:
Weight - 26 lbs 13 oz - 75th % - There aren't many foods that Beau doesn't like . . . I can only think of hot dogs and homemade chocolate chip cookies.  (And seriously, who doesn't like hot dogs and homemade chocolate chip cookies.  Note: I make wonderful homemade chocolate chip cookies.  Lincoln and Kevin have eaten at least two dozen this week!)  Beau's actually slimmed down a bit this month; he's really a mover and runs everywhere. 
Height - 32 in - 75% - No worries here. 
Head - 90% - I only throw this one in the update after we've had a checkup because they always measure.  I think I was surprised that his head was so big.  (We always knew Linc had a giant head, but I guess it seemed big because he was on the skinnier side.)  It looks pretty proportionate to me!  He really has a lot of brains to hold in that head, so I guess that's why it is so big!
Fun stuff - Beau has added a few new words this month, and it seems like he's really getting into communicating.  Sometimes it's complete gibberish, but he's really confident in what he saying.  Animal sounds are popular right now: dog - aff, aff; cat - neow; duck - cack, cack; cow - mmmm; lion - waaar.  Even Linc gets into the animal sounds game.  He quizzes Beau during car rides!  Beau is quite the little helper and enjoys some small errands I send him on.  He's great at delivering things to people in other rooms, great at putting things in their spot, happy to carry the laundry basket and also to put the laundry in the drawers.  Whatever Lincoln is doing is definitely what Beau wants to be doing.  We're working hard to learn to better take turns and share, and I think there is some improvement.  When Beau was a "baby" (as if he's not still now!), I always made Linc surrender the toy to give to a crying Beau.  No more!  Beau can understand the concept of taking/waiting turns, so no more special treatment. 
Beau is just the best 15 month old ever!  He loves to have fun, is a little dramatic at times, and can melt your heart in a second.  That sounds like the perfect little Beau to me!

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