Saturday, April 14, 2012


I have been very understanding of the difficulty of getting a cute picture of Lincoln and Beau together recently . . . or for the last year, to be more specific! I think they can both be pretty cooperative now, but that apparently does not apply when they are together! Beau was playing in Mommy's chair, and Linc wanted to join him. I ran for the camera, knowing this was my best chance at no one being able to run away.

Lincoln was into being silly, and Beau couldn't help but look at him like he was crazy! I hear ya, Beau!

More silly from Lincoln, and a "wait, we're not ready" from Beau!
I handed out a few Elmo playing cards to bring some calm, but that backfired! There were a few fights over who had which card, and perhaps even a few screams! Linc tried to fight through it, but Beau was dead set on getting that card.

I totally gave up the pleading for them to look at the camera and smile, Linc traded with Beau to give Beau the card he desperately wanted, and both were content.

Not the picture I was going for, but I'm happy with a picture of my sweet boys playing together. They really do love each other, but sometimes it's so hard. When one wants to hug and snuggle, the other throws a fit . . . and vice versa. A little brother bonding time goes a long way, and I'm glad I caught them in action!

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