Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Beau is 13 Months Old

Beau's thirteenth month has flown by faster than any other month! He moved up to the Toddler Room at school, busted out two molars, and learned so many new things. He's a sure-footed walker, though he gave us a scare with a limp after an insect bite aggravated his foot. All is well, and he's back to practically running around everywhere! Beau is a great eater and sleeper (fingers crossed forever on that one!), and loves to play. His vocabulary is still pretty much Momma, Dada, Bye-Bye, Uh-Oh and sometimes Nana! He follows directions and knows how to find Lincoln, a book, his cup, and several other toys. He is gaining more understanding each day, and he is making lots of different sounds. My sweet boy will point to something and "say" what he wants, but we just don't understand him yet. Before long, he'll be chattering away! After a yucky experience of getting two molars in a week, he's back to his normal sweet, cuddly self. He's still pretty willful and demanding . . . do they grow out of that?!?!

We've all been singing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" a lot lately, both at home and at school. He's really into this song and finally participates in the hand gestures. He laughs every single time we sing it! Here is Beau doing The itsy bitsy spider climbs up the water spout . . . "
He sings on the move, so here is where he had moved to for "down came the rain and washed the spider out."

I couldn't keep up for the last two verses. He's a mover! I'm so glad we're done with Molar 1 and Molar 2, but I know we have four more regular teeth and Molar 3 and Molar 4 in our future . . . oh, the pain! Even with teething troubles, Beau is such a sweetie. He has strong opinions, but is also so loving. He and Lincoln have a strong bond, and I often turn to Lincoln to calm Beau down when he's upset. A song our two from Linc usually gets Beau back to his right state. Just this morning when Beau was upset about getting in his car seat, Linc said, "Beau, I love you, but you need to calm down!" I don't think anyone could sum it up better!!!!

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