Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Crazy happens often around here. Life with two kids and a full schedule of work, preschool and lessons makes for a lot of crazy times. I guess I don't know it any other way, but I'm always trying to control the crazy. Healthy meals, outside exercise, lots of reading, and plenty of manners lessons make me feel like I have some control over the crazy . . . but it is what it is!!!

Lincoln was doing his best crazy faces tonight during the bath!

Beau's crazy personality is just emerging, and he's getting pretty silly. I'm so glad that his teething pain is subsiding a bit. He loves to high five and clap and even thinks silly faces are too funny. The most crazy thing about Beau these days is his (too long) wild hair! Every day his hair is totally crazy . . . especially when he gets ravioli or some other especially messy lunch on his hands that he can't help but smear all in his hair! Oh, Beau!!!!
Don't worry . . . we're getting hair cuts on Saturday afternoon. I can't take this wild hair much longer! I hope I'm relaxing a bit as a Mom and less anxious about the crazy times. I think I may even be able to laugh and enjoy them!

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