Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday Night Fun

We arrived home to a fun care package from Auntie today. Auntie is so sweet to always send us just what we need! I got a new towel wrap, Daddy got new barbecue seasoning, Linc got M&Ms, Beau got animal crackers and we all got chocolate chip cookies! Thanks for such a fun care package, Auntie!

Linc and Beau were both on their best behavior while playing. Well except that Linc climbed in the storage ottoman and made it his play space. Beau was obsessed with this because he couldn't climb in too! At least they were both happy!
I am thankful for a fun night of playing, regardless of where we played! Beau's ear infection must be better as he showed no signs of irritation. (Not that he showed signs of irritation before he was diagnosed!) He's decided he doesn't need the yummy amoxicillan so I'm trying to be sneaky to get it in. Hmmmm . . . he may be smarter than I am at this point!

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