Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

Valentine's Day was full of fun, hugs, kisses and laughs this year! I love that I have three Valentine's Sweeties. Lincoln has been majorly excited about Valentine's Day lately. We've received Valentine's gifts from so many people. Auntie sent us a gift box, Nana and Pops gave us a cool animal shapes waffle maker, Minnie and Bubbles sent a cool Minnie Mouse book, and Patsy and Julia Ann sent us money for extra chocolate candy! Both Beau and Lincoln love all the cards and look at them constantly. Linc picked out Goldfish Valentines to give his friends at school, we gave yummy lotion to the teachers at school that Lincoln was so excited about, and he was constantly telling us what gifts Mommy and Daddy should have for Valentines. According to Lincoln, we should all have flowers and candy on this special day! I took care of the candy-type gifts and Daddy took care of the flowers and surprised the boys with balloons. What fun! Beau got a Mickey balloon and his favorite snack of Rainbow Goldfish, and Lincoln got a Mickey balloon, a Cars plate and a Valentine Pez. (Pez candies are totally disgusting, but Lincoln is obsessed!) Daddy surprised Mommy with lots of flowers! We all enjoyed trading Valentine's cards and really had a fun evening. I know we say "I love you" often, but what's wrong with an entire day dedicated to saying it extra? Sounds like a good plan to me! Happy Valentine's Day to all!

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