Monday, September 5, 2011

Not 100 Degrees!!!

After 66 days (or 67, I can't remember) over 100 degrees, we've finally got a break! With highs in the 80s, we all headed outside for some unfamiliar fresh air. Minnie, Bubbles and Ally were here this long weekend to enjoy all the fun activities. Lincoln insisted on pushing Beau in the car. He's not that great of a driver, and they end up stuck in the grass often. Luckily Beau is a patient passenger. He's just amazed at what outside is like!

Linc and Bubbles had a picnic outside and laid in the grass watching the leaves blow in the trees. How peaceful!
Nana and Pops got in some playtime too this weekend. We grilled out tonight and while Linc played on the swingset.

True story: A couple of days ago while pulling up to our house, Lincoln looked sadly out of his window at the top of his playground over the fence. In the saddest little voice he said, "Hi Playground. Bye Playground." Like I see you but I can't ever play. I'm so glad the weather has released us from being air conditioned bound. Freedom!!!!!

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