Monday, July 18, 2011

Time to Eat

Since Beau is the big four months old now, he gets to eat rice cereal! We started on Sunday morning after church. He was looking cute (according to Lincoln, of course) and wondering why he was perched on the table instead of in my arms with a bottle.

"Hmmmmm . . . this is weird, but I'm gonna give Mommy the benefit of the doubt."

Success!!!! My little eater was excited about the rice cereal and sucked it off the spoon like a pro! I'm also proud that he didn't make a complete mess. I know that won't be the norm, but it was a nice bonus for our first feeding. One note: he didn't like the cereal runny. I first made it up with a little cereal and a lot of breast milk, but quickly added more cereal. He wanted it thick!

Beau's teacher told me that "he ate the cereal like he's been eating it his whole life" today at school! I'm so glad he likes it. Lincoln thinks it's pretty funny that Beau is sitting on the table eating while we are eating too. He requested a spoon for his lunch and dinner (even though his food wasn't "spoon required") just because Beau had one. He shoveled in green beans on his spoon with renewed enthusiasm! Nana got in on the cereal-action when she came over for dinner tonight. Beau's one hungry kid, so it's best to shovel it in fast. He doesn't want to wait for the next bite! Lincoln was a good eater of cereal and baby food, and Beau seems to be headed down the same path. What a sweetie! Not to leave Linc out, he requested chicken, carrots and broccoli for dinner. Such a healthy kid. I gave him a wheat roll instead of the normal wheat bread slice, and he was so excited. He said, "New bread, Mommy! Lincoln like it!" Score for Mommy!

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