Tuesday, July 5, 2011

More Weekend Fun

After the fun but hot morning festivities, I asked Lincoln if he wanted a popsicle. He yelled, "Yay! Popsicle!" I then asked if he wanted red or orange, and he of course wanted both. Being a holiday and all, I granted his wish for both popsicles. Guess how much he ate of them . . . NONE!!! He hates popsicles, but it seems like such a kid thing to do so I keep offering them. He doesn't like the cold I guess. He sure was happy about it though.

Beau pretty much sat around looking cute for the rest of the day. He got to wear a sweet little bubble suit first, then had to "man up" in a baseball t-shirt for the afternoon. Such a cutie!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Beau is such a little chunk! lol