Saturday, July 2, 2011

Brotherly Love

Lincoln and Beau have been enjoying each other a lot lately. Beau is always wide-eyed when Linc is around, and he watches every movement his big brother makes. I describe each thing that Lincoln is doing, and Linc loves that I'm constantly talking about him! He's gotten into the habit of talking to Beau all the time and often wants to sit near him and chat.

This morning Lincoln patted Beau on the head and said, "Look cute today, Beau!" How sweet! He also likes to hug and kiss him, which is very sweet and germy if you ask me!

Beau's Bumbo was too enticing for Lincoln not to try it out. Luckily he's pretty skinny so he fit perfectly! Just for laughs, I put Beau in Lincoln's chair! Lincoln thought it was hilarious . . . Beau did not!

1 comment:

Misty said...

The boys are so cute. Hope you are getting some rest!