Friday, February 19, 2010

Mi Cocina Baby

Every Friday night you can count on one thing - we'll be at Mi Cocina! The Kuhlmans and the Hoggs started the tradition more than 10 years ago, and they have allowed us (Kevin, me, Lincoln, Jason, Shannon, Eric, Samantha, and Matty) to join them each week. Any friends or relatives coming to town are welcome, and we've had some pretty large groups. It is so much fun to catch up with everyone and chat about what's happened that week. The Hoggs have been a part of every moment as we have become a family, and we count them as our family for sure. No decisions are made regarding wedding or baby showers, rehearsal dinners, wedding plans, vacation plans, or even just weekend plans without a discussion from the group. We are all so lucky to have a special night together. When I was pregnant I developed a serious hatred of Mexican food, but I always made it to Mi Cocina to enjoy the company and suffer through the food. I'm glad that phase is over! Lincoln made his debut at Mi Cocina on Friday, April 17, 2009. He slept peacefully on that first night.
David (the GM) and the staff are so good to us and love Lincoln. He charms them all with his sweet smiles and even has a buzzer reserved for him to play with. One of our favorite waiters has a daughter almost Linc's age, so we get to compare. Now that he's eating people food, we've had a few tastes. He's eaten rice, beans, avocado and tortillas, and I know it won't be long before he's ordering his own meal. For now, a few snacks and bites from my plate are enough. Check out the stylin' little man this week.


the box family said...

i love that you guys all get together and that lincoln is such a good boy at restaurants! burt and i always call friday night 'date night' even if we don't do much! we can't wait to see you guys!

Anonymous said...

Oh how I LOVE Mi Cocina! :)

Miss you guys!