Monday, February 22, 2010

Skinny Pants and the Diet

Lincoln will never have a shortage of clothes! I love to buy him clothes, his Nana loves to buy him clothes, his Minnie loves to buy him clothes, his Aunt Ally loves to buy him clothes, Samantha loves to buy him clothes . . . you get the picture! Also we're part of a hand me down group, and there's lots of good stuff to choose from. We get boxes and boxes to go through, select the items that are appropriate, add our outgrown stuff and pass it to the next family. (I think Lincoln has every Gap and Gymboree outfit from the last two years from our little club!) Of course we put Razorback items on the top of the rotation, and this one is a gem! Skinny pants and a fitted tee are not the most flattering, but he sure looks cute! Perhaps I shouldn't have paid attention to the 12 month tag and brought this suit out earlier.

I haven't aired many details of Lincoln's eating difficulties lately, but there have been many meal meltdowns. Here's the thing - he loves baby food! People food is weird, and Lincoln is always skeptical. A couple of weeks ago we gave up baby food cold turkey, and it's been a wild ride! Some days are great while some days are torture. Throwing food from the tray is fun, as is spitting it out after a taste. I'm not sure I'm glad he's figured that one out! Today's lunch was especially trying. I tried turkey (usually a winner), cheese (always a favorite), rolls (go-to food), french fries (who doesn't like french fries), fish sticks (much to Kevin's dismay, Lincoln loves the fish sticks at school), ravioli (have you met a kid who doesn't like Chef Boyardee), toast (how can that be offensive), blueberries and strawberries (best fruits ever). Here's what we ended up with: Lincoln sucked peanut butter off a spoon! Yes, you read that right. I resorted to slathering a spoon with peanut butter for him to suck on - several spoons of peanut butter that is. You know . . . whatever works!!! I can also report that he ate a wonderful breakfast of bananas and pancakes and a wonderful dinner of turkey, cheese, carrots, crackers and strawberries.
Whew! He was tired after that trying lunch and needed a nap to regroup. We had a fun afternoon of shoe shopping, but this time for Mom and Dad. He enjoyed tearing the paper from the shoe boxes. Again . . . whatever works!
When Dad got home he read a few of Lincoln's favorite books. He likes the ABC book and dances at the end when you sing the alphabet song.

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