Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Morning Snapshot

Now that I'm not nursing Lincoln in the mornings, he gets a breakfast "snack" bottle - a few ounces of whole milk to tide him over until he gets to school for his real breakfast. We were cuddling in the chair after the bottle, but now he's ready to get down and play. I have to get in all my cuddle time while he's drinking, and it goes so fast. We talk about the day, who he's going to play with, how nice he's going to be to his friends, and which girlfriend he's going to flirt with, etc.
The empty bottle becomes a toy before long. It must feel good on his gums to chew like this. He does it with his bottle, his sippy cup and any water bottle he gets his hands on.

I got a shot of those gigantic two pearly whites! I'm glad to report that Tooth #3 is making an appearance. I'll try to get a picture of his vampire (incisor) tooth emerging. No explanation as to why the top front teeth are still a no show! Without their presence eating "people food" is definitely more of a challenge!

Of course he finds his way over to the toys . The train holds his attention for awhile then it's off to find Good Night, Gorilla. We read it SEVERAL times before school this morning.

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