Sunday, November 22, 2009

Where's my baby?

Each day is a new adventure for Lincoln: he sees something new, figures something out, tastes something different, and finds humor in something silly. It is truly amazing to see the world through a child's eyes. He is getting better and better at crawling and can get to any toy in the room. I don't think he sits still for even a minute because he's so busy rolling, scooting and crawling to the next thing. We started clapping and saying "Yay" every time he sat up yesterday, and he really picked up on that. Now he claps for himself when he gets upright! Of course we join in too. What a fun time! While I love that he's learning and growing so much, I sometimes hold him like a baby for a second (that's all he'll give me!). How did he get so big with so much personality in such a short amout of time? I could never have imagined he would grow up so fast. I am taking in every moment and will enjoy what's to come.

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