Thursday, November 5, 2009

Drool much?

If my motherly intuition is working today, I'm guessing that we're working on another tooth. Are they supposed to come so quickly after each other? It seems like he just got one! He was fine all day, we played and went for a stroll in his little car this afternoon. I had noticed all the incredible amounts of drool pouring from his mouth but just kept wiping the puddles. (As you can see in the picture, it's dripping off his chin and soaking through his shirt!) During his supper he got a little fussy and tired. He ate all of his applesauce and oatmeal and most of the milk, but he just seemed a little off. When I lifted him from the high chair, I knew he had a fever. Don't panic - it was only 100.4! This sudden onset of drool and low-grade fever happened right before his last tooth came in, so I'm guessing that's culprit. Say a prayer that he's not in too much pain!

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