Monday, October 19, 2009

Visit to the Pumpkin Patch

We ended our weekend with a visit to our local Pumpkin Patch. It was Lincoln's first good look at pumpkins, and he didn't seem very impressed. I guess we should get to know the pumpkins on our front porch! He was pretty cooperative and posed where we put him, though there were a lot of distractions. I probably took 20 pictures just to get two good ones! (I always find it easier to just take a bunch and delete the bad ones later.)
We were on high alert for suspicious-looking people and pumpkins . . . you never know who's gonna give you the Swine Flu. Kevin was getting testy with me about taking pictures from more than one location. (I think he wished he'd brought Clorox to spray down the pumpkins and scarecrow!) Lincoln sat on the blanket the whole time and didn't eat any hay (hopefully!) with germs on it. You can imagine his reaction when I suggested we have Lincoln hug a pumpkin or lean on one!!!!!


Hayley said...

Casey and I are cracking up about Kevin's phobia of germs!!

Lincoln sure looks cute!

Watson's said...

Lincoln is so precious--these pics are great! I know what you mean about taking 1,000 just to get 1 or 2. He is getting so big and looking like such a big boy.