Thursday, October 8, 2009

Cute Stuff

After I pick Lincoln up from school, I take of his (potentially germ-y) outfit and let him have "naked baby" time. He LOVES to be naked, and I don't have to worry about getting an outfit dirty while I feed him supper. He was especially happy this afternoon!

He has discovered his tongue again! It was all the rage at around 2 months, then it lost its luster. Apparently tongues are cool again, and Lincoln sticks his out all the time! I usually stick mine back at him . . . is it too early to worry about setting a good example? :)

The jumper is getting more and more play these days. He is really into jumping now, and likes the freedom of moving between the different stations. He can play music, reach the hanging toys or play with the attached frog. These are very important decisions, and he always gives each item equal consideration (and chewing). He's so funny!

1 comment:

the box family said...

mccoy loves naked time too! lincoln is such a cutie! and we loved the video of him splashing in the water