Thursday, October 29, 2009


Get ready, everyone . . . . there's lots to tell in this post! Several major events have happened over the past week, and I find myself so happy and a little sad. I'm happy because Lincoln is growing and developing into a little person right before my eyes and sad because everyday he's less and less my little baby. His personality is so funny, and he surprises me with every new thing he does. Last Saturday, a little tiny tooth broke through! It has continued to emerge so that you can now see the entire top of the tooth. He used to chew on my fingers quite a bit, but I'm not really a fan since he's got a weapon in there. (No incidents while nursing yet . . . I'm a little concerned but am staying the course.) I've been trying desperately to get a picture of it, but he's not in the cooperating phase right now. If his mouth is open, he's chewing on something or hanging his tongue out. Thank goodness for digital cameras or I'd have spent a fortune on film!

Speaking of cameras . . . I received a VERY early Christmas gift from Nana and Pops this weekend and am proudly utilizing my new Nikon D3000 (translation = super awesome professional digital camera). I feel like a photographer already, but I know once I get a few of the instructional classes under my belt I'll be real pro! Enjoy my first batch of pictures.Perhaps my most cherished moment as a mother so far came last week. Lincoln looked at me and clearly and plainly said "Mama"!!!!!!! We had been working on mama and dada for a while, and he would move his mouth to mimic us but without sound. Then he began really saying baba sounds. All of a sudden he says mama, and it's the sweetest thing ever. He says it most when he's tired, sad or needs something. I never tire of his chatting, and if he's like his mom and dad there will be a lot of it!

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