Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Super Hero Patrol!

The weather was pretty nice on Saturday evening . . . perfect for bike ride!  We made it a little over a block from the house when we saw 6 kids walking toward us with costumes and instruments (maracas, tambourines, etc) with 2 parents.  The Dad looked pretty sheepish when we met in the street, apologized for their parade, and gave the excuse that they had run out of things to do in the house!  Hey, no judging here!  We often either wear super hero costumes or play marching band with our instruments, so my kids thought they were just having regular fun.  Lincoln demanded that we return home to put on our costumes and join their parade.  Well, why not?  
After changing in to Batman and Robberman (Robin just wasn't catchy enough, so they changed it), we hit the streets again.  We never found the parading kids, and we forgot our instruments in the excitement of the costumes . . .  but we had fun!!!  I'm sure the neighbors looking from their windows thought we were crazy, but that's probably nothing new.  Many of them have kids in the elementary/middle school range, so they were probably smiling and remembering the times they were involved in similar situations.  If these two super guys keep a close watch, we'll have the safest street in town!

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