Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Walking Mess Maker

Beau is all of a sudden the best little walker around! Want to know the secret to getting him to walk? Yummy snacks, of course! Bubbles brought a few bags of Scooby Snacks for the boys on Saturday morning, and that was just IT for Beau. (BTW-Scooby Snacks are just dog bone shaped graham crackers, if anyone is interested in bribing Beau to do something!) Beau traveled anywhere for a Scooby Snack and was in love with Bubbles the whole day. Well he was in love with Bubbles until Lincoln got the Lucky Charms . . . new snacks! Linc didn't want to share and walked through the house trying to keep away from Beau, but little man kept up the pace and followed along.

Beau was determined that he could walk anywhere Linc could. Honestly, we've lost him a couple of times since the weekend. He just walks off to check out another room. I have to be on my toes, or he'll get into too much mischief!
Speaking of mischief, Beau entertained himself in the pantry while I made dinner tonight. I'm glad he found something to do I guess.

Apparently the pre-dinner mess was just a warm up. While I was cleaning up the dinner dishes, Beau got into the refrigerator and pulled out the berries . . . hungry for a snack maybe? He totally loved smushing the berries on the ground while I ran for the camera (phone).

To say that he is into EVERYTHING is an understatement. Luckily I have lots of Clorox wipes.

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