Thursday, March 15, 2012

Beau is 1 Year Old!

Happy 1st Birthday to Beau! From an unexpected scary start in the NICU, Beau has grown into an off the charts - totally awesome - super cool little one year old! We are were so blessed when Beau joined our family, but we didn't know what we were in for . . . a lot of smiles, a lot of giggles, a lot of messes, and a few overly dramatic meltdowns (from all of us at different times!). Here are Beau's stats.

Weight - 23 lbs 11 oz - 70% He's definitely not hurting in the weight department, and he's usually a pretty ambitious eater. We started the month switching to all cup and all whole milk, and that was a little distressing to poor Beau (P.S. It was way more than a little distressing!) Our meals were interrupted by the fits of a child wanting formula in a bottle. Whew! I'm glad we're past that. Beau's favorite foods are chicken, turkey, biscuits, carrots, green beans, vanilla wafers, strawberries and bananas. Daddy introduced Beau to Ritz crackers this week, and he is obsessed!

Height - 30 in - 50% We're definitely into 12 month pants and pjs now. He's got a long torso and grows out of onesies pretty quickly. Daddy decided he's supposed to wear tshirts only from now on because it makes him look like a big boy!

Cute stuff - Beau is sooooo smiley! I usually get a super cute cheese when I ask. He is a really good player, but he does like someone (Linc, Mommy or Daddy) to be near while he's playing. I think he's lonely when no one is around. Peek a boo is still a favorite game, and he has learned to cover his own face then lift the blanket to smile!

Walking - I wasn't really prepared for him to be walking so well at 12 months. For a few weeks he would toddle around taking a few steps at the most. Last weekend marked the end of crawling. The morning of his birthday party, Beau decided he could walk anywhere and everywhere and now chases us all around the house!

Even though he's totally mobile, he still loves to have Mommy carry him. I'm building some serious muscle lugging him around. I do get to enjoy how huggy he can be, and I always enjoy a little Beau-snuggling!

What an amazing year! Beau is just the best little thing ever. We have had so much fun watching him grow and go through so many baby stages. I think we were a little less crazy this time (lucky Beau!) because we had been through this before with Lincoln. Happy 1st Birthday Beau!


Hayley said...

Happy Birthday Beau! It has gone so fast!

Marian said...

Happy Birthday, Beau! Can't believe it has been a whole year already!