Sunday, August 21, 2011

Playing Around

Beau and Lincoln like each other more each day . . . that's a relief because neither of them are going anywhere! Yesterday Beau and I sat in the floor watching Linc sing, dance, and jump around wildly, and Beau belly laughed at all of big brother's antics. He was amazed just watching! Today Lincoln gave Beau a few driving lessons. Once I came around the corner and saw Lincoln with his hands on Beau's cheeks, and he was right up in his face telling him something really serious.

Lincoln may be leaning toward construction worker or architect - he wore his hard hat while we played with Lincoln Logs today. (He never calls them Lincoln Logs to me. He says My Logs usually, and doesn't that make perfect sense to a kid named Lincoln!)
I caught Beau in the middle of some talking. It's hard to get a picture of him being still because he's constantly rolling from back to tummy and vice versa. He's also quite the scooter and never stays on the blanket for long.

We had a wonderful weekend! I hope that carries over to the usual Manic Monday!

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