Lincoln is 20 months old! If I had one word to describe Lincoln, it would be "opinionated." He has an opinion about everything!!!!! Seriously, he has an opinion about which socks to wear, who sits next to him in the chair, which lid goes with which cup, and on and on. If I had one more word to describe him, it would be "bossy." He is too bossy these days!!!!! He loves to tell people no-no, move and get up. He loves to tell who's turn it is to throw the ball or which song to sing. He loves to boss, period! If I had one just more word to describe him, it would be "perfect." He's just the best, smartest, cutest, most perfect kid around. Of course, I'm his Mom so I'm allowed to say such things! Here are the details about Lincoln at 20 months.
Weight - 24 1/2 pounds - we'll never get past 24 pounds!!! He goes on eating sprees then boycotts food for a few days. He's become pretty picky, and I hear Kevin and I were both like that at his age. I can usually count on ham (if I buy the right brand at the deli), rotisserie chicken, peas, mashed potatoes, and graham crackers. New likes this month: homemade waffles (#1 Mom!!!) and apples
Height - 33 inches - He's getting taller bit by bit. I think his height goes with his weight, and he looks pretty proportionate.
New Words - There are a million! He repeats EVERYTHING we say and sometimes uses the words correctly later. I describe everything, and he really soaks it all up. My favorites right now are stuck, momma cooking, and help Lincoln.
Smart Stuff - He can identify the colors red, yellow, blue and green. He can count to four. He can get to D in the alphabet. He can describe the ornaments on his tree (Elmo snowboard, Big Bird presents, etc). He helps out with the words to Old MacDonald, Twinkle Twinkle, Row Row Row Your Boat, Hokey Pokey, Wheels on the Bus, Itsy Bitsy Spider, the alphabet, Jingle Bells, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, C is for Cookie, People in Your Neighborhood, Five Little Ducks, and so many more. We sing A LOT!!! He comes home from school singing and doing all kinds of hand motions and dances, and I often ask his teacher for translations. Surprisingly, he's usually pretty close!
Lately Lincoln has decided he's a pretty funny kid and is always doing silly things. He loves to make us laugh. He likes to hide then come out and yell while you're "looking" for him. Thanks to Bubbles, the shelves are bolted to the wall. No tumbling over!
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