Thursday, April 22, 2010

Another Big Kid Moment

There are so many things that bring tears to my eyes these days . . . the latest was lowering Lincoln's crib to the bottom setting. He's such a big kid all the way down there! According to the books we should have done this months ago, but he never tried to climb out during the night or naps. I guess he thought it was pretty cool because he giggled and rolled around like a mad man when we tested it out!

I know we were "supposed" to remove the bumper pads ages ago too, but he doesn't try to stand on them or bother them at all. He sleeps with his back against the pads, so I didn't want to leave him snuggling up to the wooden slats! It's been a good week of transition . . . except I feel like I'm dropping him 10 feet when I put him down. One more thing to remind me that Lincoln's not my little baby anymore. Sniff, sniff.


the box family said...

we just lowered mccoys too! it is such a change knowing that your baby is growing up...i also hate how i can't lean over to kiss his forehead good night...but mccoy has been sleeping so much better and i think he really loves it!

Dale said...

Precious pictures !! Darling little boy !