Wednesday, May 13, 2009

6 weeks

Monday marked Lincoln's 6th week with us, and it has been a busy week so far. We went to see my doctor for a check-up with great results, and we went to the dentist to meet all of his admirers. He was so good and let everyone hold him, and he barely made a peep. I scheduled both of these visits during a nap time, but he stayed awake to meet everyone instead. He's doing lots of playing these days, and much less sleeping during the day. His favorite things are the mat and playing with blocks on our bed. We still do lots of tummy time, and he usually doesn't mind too much. He's so strong and loves to hold his head up and look around.

A few of Lincoln's stats at 6 weeks:
Weight: 10 lbs 6 ozs (He's grown so much, and we're definitely in the larger sizes for 0-3 months. He doesn't have those chicken legs anymore, so Kevin refers to him as the Michelin baby.)
Height: 23 inches (All of his stretching must have paid off to grow 3 inches in just 6 weeks!)
Fun Stuff: His nicknames are Linky, Stinky Linky (at diaper changing times), LT for Little Toot Sweet Pea, and Stink Bug. He likes to grab my hair! He usually falls asleep on our walks, and we're up to 2.5 miles together. He's "talking" so much now. I've attached a video below. Oh, he has the hiccups a lot, as evidenced in the video!

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