Thursday, September 21, 2017

Canyon Creek Camp this Week

This week was golf/tennis/swimming camp at Canyon Creek . . . always a favorite!!  The pictures Ms. Sally posted were cute.  Lincoln was a happy tennis player.
We stopped for donuts one morning on the way to camp, and L&B were super ok with that.  Donut holes, a glazed donut, and a chocolate donut . . . these two are all about the classics. 
Obviously, the best day is Wacky Wednesday!!!  What other day is it ok to wear underwear on your head? 
Golf is a good addition to camp this year.  He's liking the golf time after lunch to break up the day. 
Great week at Canyon Creek!  We love Ms. Sally's camps and love earning Sally Bucks to buy treats.  Nick was with Linc this week and having his best bud there made it extra fun.
(Beau stayed at Primrose each week for their summer program, and hopefully there are pictures to post about that.  They did themed weeks with field trips and lots of fun.  He'll get his Canyon Creek turn though.)

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