Monday, December 9, 2013

Ice Storm - The Aftermath

After a warm and restful sleep at Nana and Pop Pop's house on Friday night, we were hopeful that our electricity would be back on for Saturday.  Kevin went to the house several times during the morning and afternoon to check, but each time he reported that it was still out and getting colder.  Lincoln and Beau were happy to continue playing and not concerned about going home at all!  We went to pack a bag for another night's stay at the Kuhlman Golf Course Resort Home, and the power miraculously came on while I was packing!  We were happy to get settled back at home, and we are a million times thankful that we had a wonderfully warm and comfortable and loving place to crash!  Beau had woken pretty early after his first night in a big bed and hadn't been able to calm down to nap in the afternoon, so he couldn't help but fall asleep on the warm car ride home.  This little guy has played and played and played, and he definitely needed a little break!
It was a quiet night of getting back to sleep in our own beds, and the boys both slept past 9:00 on Sunday morning.  Sunday School was cancelled, so we were just lazy in the morning.  Daddy left for Houston for a work thing and reported that the roads were fine once he got out of town.  After lunch, Mommy and the boys headed out for a few errands.  We hit up the post office, the grocery store (which was still empty from the raid before the Ice Storm and not getting any deliveries due to the ice!), and the Galleria Mall.  Two little guys couldn't wait to get a cookie and walk around for a bit.  We saw Santa, but we didn't really "see" Santa.  There was absolutely no line for the super nice Galleria Santa, which is crazy . . . but everyone was still at home and not hanging at the mall!  I wish we hadn't looked like such ragamuffins with tshirts under our big coats and uncombed hair (well, not Mommy), and we couldn't get a picture with Santa looking like that!  So we decided to go home and work on what we would say to Santa when we came back.  The boys insisted that they wanted Gingerbread Man cookies, and we had a long talk about that.  I kept trying to direct their attention to the sugar cookie decorated with icing to look like Santa, but they were really sure about the Gingerbread Men.  Luckily they loved them!  They were cute cookie eaters . . . see what I mean about the tshirts and unkempt hair! 
They had been asking to play in the snow since Friday morning, even though I explained that it was just slippery ice.  Since it was like 20 degrees on Friday and Saturday, we kept them in.  On Sunday afternoon it warmed to a nice 32 degrees, so we bundled up and hit the backyard for some fun.  The dug their shovels out of the ice with sticks, knocked down every icicle they could reach, slide down an icy slide, and scooped as much ice as they could.  When my iPhone shut down because of the cold after 30 minutes of being outside, it was time to come in!  They had so much fun and begged to go out again later.   
Since the earlier grocery store trip was a bust, Nana and Pop Pop and Aunt Marian came over to babysit while I went to Central Market and Wal-Mart.  We had to dump our entire fridge and freezer due to the extended loss of power, so I had to restock the essentials and get food for lunches and dinners this week.  It went so much faster without two little grabbers with me!  They were still begging to dig in the ice a little more, so we went outside for a bit when I got back.  We also had a Gingerbread House to build and decorate, and Lincoln was really really really sure we needed to do it right away!  The first hiccup was that both roof pieces were broken when we took the kit out of the box.  We used the icing to glue them together and moved on.  We constructed the house and hoped the icing would hold, but as soon as they began decorating with their candies it collapsed!  So sad!!!   If you ask either of them about it, they have very strong memories of this disaster.   Beau will say that the icing went crazy out of a hole in the bag and dripped on the table making a mess, and Lincoln will say it also dripped on Mommy's hand from the hole in the bag.  That stupid bag and it's stupid hole really caused quite a big of angst!   
I saved the decorating candies and promised them that we can try again with another Gingerbread House in a few days.  The one we made last year was awesome, and I know we can make another great one this year.  We are ready for the temperatures to come up some and melt all of this ice.  One of our underground sprinkler system pipes burst at 10:00 on Sunday night, and no one wants to be chopping through the ice to open the cover and turn off the underground water valve when it's 20 something degrees outside!!  And by no one, I mean ME!!!  A forecast of 38 degrees sounds like a warm front at this point, so bring it on!! 

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